After reading Tracy's post about what runners eat, I decided I should throw my two cents in, because I too tried a gel product for the very first time in my long run this Saturday. My gel of choice was a vanilla clif shot. I was a little hesitant, because it's always a scary thought to try something new in an important long run (not that this long run was SUPER IMPORTANT, but they ALL are- I wouldn't want fuel to prohibit me from finishing part of my training successfully). So, I thought wisely about my plan, and figured I would try it when the run was "almost over". I had 2:10 on the docket, and I was incredibly nervous: I hadn't done a run over 2 hours since the half ironman, which was a totally separate entity, I was worried about fueling enough (I tend to get headaches if not properly hydrated and nutriated) and I was obsessing over how to make sure I found a bathroom if I had to pee as badly as I did in last weekend's only 1:50 run. I was at my parents house in NY for the run-all of my sister's bridesmaids were going dress shopping in the afternoon- so it was even more important for me to be on top of my game to enjoy the afternoon with the ladies and quality time with my family.
The weather couldn't have been better- mid 30s and sunny- as I set out for the run. As usual, the first couple of miles felt like they were dragging along, but I pushed through them, deciding I would go down every side street possible in the neighborhood. It was fun running in a "new to me" location (I don't run in NY that often) and it got easier as time went by. I had a sip of Nuun every mile (will discuss my new love of nuun a bit later) and had a shot block (safe, known quantity) at mile 4 and 7. When I hit mile 10, I had decided it was time for the clif gel. I was "almost done" with the run, and I was close enough to home that if I stopped weaving in and out of side streets I could be home fairly fast. I had no idea what to expect, but it tasted like vanilla pudding. I couldn't take the whole thing in one "shot" (I can't take whole alcoholic shots either) so I took "sips" and finished it over the course of a half mile. I of course dripped some on my gloves, and didn't want to get the goop on my jacket so I just held it in my hands for the remainder of the run. I'm sure I looked silly, but I didn't want to litter and I didn't want to get any more of it on me! Turns out it was delicious, did not upset my stomach, and kept me filled up and energized for the rest of the run (which, similarly to tracy, ended up about 30 s per mile faster than the first 10). Win!
A good long run, a good gel experience! 13 weeks to go!
Win, for sure!!!