Saturday, April 21, 2012


After not running since last Friday, and pool running on Wednesday, I decided it was ok to attempt the 2 hour run I had this weekend. I got 20 min in and had to roll with the golf ball. 10 more minutes in, it still hurt, so I called it at that, and walked back with my friend. Why is this happening. I am slowly kissing the marathon goodbye- knowing that while I have trained sufficiently and am physically ready, whatever the heck is going on with my foot is telling me this is a bad idea. I'd rather skip this race and be able to run the rest of the summer/fall. A co worker ran Boston this past week and ended up in the hospital with kidney failure. A lesson to all to not push too hard. If I can't do this race, it will suck, but I know that there will be other marathons. I have thoroughly enjoyed the training (minus injuries) and am totally willing and eager to do it again. I even have an October marathon in mind. I haven't thrown in the towel just yet, but I am preparing myself now for what may be the reality in two weeks. In the meantime, I'm going to take it easy, and go see a doctor...


  1. It sounds like you have the right attitude. :) I'm sitting here rolling my foot and hoping I can go the whole 2hr45min today. And if I can't, I'm going to come back and read this post again! :)
