Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Treadmill Headaches

There was a period of time a few years ago where every time I ran, I had a headache afterwards. This happened over a summer, the year after my first half marathon, and made me nervous to even think about going over a 10k. I thought this was mainly dehydration, so I made sure to drink plenty of water before, during and after runs. In the fall when it was cooler, it was mostly ok, but when I switched to the treadmill in the winter, every time I ran before work, I would be greeted with a splitting headache by 1 or 2 PM, despite drinking enough to make me go to the bathroom every 20 minutes the entire morning. It got to the point where I was actually afraid to run- even though I loved it.

In the spring, I signed up for a 10 miler, and started training, running longer on Sunday afternoons when the weather was cooler, thinking that the weather was the prime suspect. During this time, I had joined the triathlon training at the Y, started to have more structured workouts, and be in contact with some really knowledegable and experienced people. It was then that I was asked the question, do you eat before hand? I never had (except for my Sunday afternoon long runs, I had always worked out first thing in the morning- I wasn't sure what food would do to my stomach immediately before running). It was suggested to me to try starting with a banana and taking some nutrition on the run, like Jelly Belly Sports Beans. After reviving my love for longer distance running with the success of this 10 miler, I took these suggestions and signed up for another half marathon for the fall. Every Saturday, I set out for my long run with a routine- eat banana, drink glass of water, carry smart water and jelly beans for the run. Over the last year or so I experimented with other nutrition (mostly shot blocks and protein bars for longer rides and runs) and I have mostly overcome my fear of long runs. I hadn't used the treadmill for the majority of that time because the Y had a long track and most of my runs were either long runs or with the run club.

When I moved to my new life, I had to get reacquainted with the treadmill, because it is too dark before and after work to run outside, and lunchtime isn't really long enough to do a serious workout. As soon as I started the treadmill runs, my headaches came back. A few times I attributed it to skipping my morning banana, but even after I made sure to eat it, it was to no avail. I didn't want to let running beat me, or to become scared of my favorite exercising activity as I did the last time, so I decided to think a little harder. It is rather hot in the cardio room at the gym, which is sort of surprising, and I'm always dripping with sweat before I even finish a warm up. This got me thinking that while I am drinking plenty of water, maybe I need to channel my electrolyte filled water days. I have read a ton about Nuun on many endurance blogs, and I saw it at EMS so I decided it was worth taking the plunge. I tried tri berry, and honestly it's not the best tasting stuff, but I have used it every treadmill run since then and the headaches are gone. Placebo, maybe, but I'm ok with sticking to a routine that works. I just ordered a variety pack on line and I am excited to spend my treadmill-filled workouts experimenting with different flavors. And, I hope this keeps the headaches away!


  1. I thought of you yesterday in the grocery store while in the Gatorade aisle. Have you tried the Neuro Water (or something?) yet? It has some flashy marketing and fancy packaging ... but I'm not sure if there is anything behind the hype.

    I did, however get a can of FRS (it was on sale). I just hope no one drinks it while I'm my long run, or heads. will. roll.

    1. hey no i haven't- but maybe i should try that too! i'm certainly up for other options... what's FRS??
